Kinder Downfall

Kinder Downfall is the tallest waterfall in the Peak District and a prominent feature of the Kinder Scout upland plateau. Where the River Kinder meets a jumble of colliding rocks the river flows over the edge of the plateau, enroute to Kinder Reservoir.

During a dry summer the waterfall is a mere trickle, however with the right weather conditions jets of water can blow spectacularly back up and onto the plateau, drenching walkers who get too close!

Situated along the Pennine Way and with sweeping vistas, the rocks surrounding Kinder Downfall make for a popular rest stop, and a natural lunch point for day walkers tackling Kinder Scout from Edale or Hayfield.

This image was taken in mid-winter from Kinder Downfall, pure luck rather than great planning presented a spectacular sunset as we walked the Kinder horseshoe from Hayfield. Not to miss an opportunity we sat and watched the sunset over the distant hills, before making a mad dash back to Hayfield in the rapidly failing light!

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